I have read a lot recently around the topic of direction, purpose and how finding your 'why' is so important, I couldn't agree …
I. Am. Fed. Up.
Fed up of hearing sports commentators discuss a professional athlete’s weight, size and body shape. Fed up of watching runners – and …
Stressors can often feel overwhelming for athletes. Constant judgement from being in a results-driven environment, concerns about contracts not being …
On your marks, set *BANG*
Down, set, hut
These are all different cues that let an athlete know that it is time to lock in, all sending …
If you could talk to your younger self, I wonder what you’d say?
Would you tell yourself to stop putting so much pressure on yourself?
Would you tel…
At 13, I was a great high jumper and combined eventer with a lot of potential. By the time I was 17, my future in athletics had more or less come to a…
Name: Eugene Amo-Dadzie
Age: 30
Event: 100m (PB = 9.93s)
Performance Level: International
Contribution topic area: Mindset