Supplements: The Risks

Updated Aug 26, 2024


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It's difficult to persuade you not to go down the supplement route when you're surrounded by others using them and social media influencers promoting their supplement routines (these athletes are literally being paid to promote these products).

This intense social pressure to conform and to follow the crowd can be hard to resist. But you have to realise that no supplement is 100% safe. 

The reality is that supplements can pose a genuine risk to your health, career and reputation.

As well as the various health issues associated with their use, especially when taken excessively or in combination with other substances, supplements can be a risky choice in terms of anti-doping regulations, as contamination is a very real risk.


Contamination and Mislabelling

Supplements, whether dietary or performance-enhancing, are often produced in factories that manufacture other products that can contain banned substances. This means that cross-contamination can occur and, as supplements are not strictly regulated like medicines, it's hard to guarantee the absence of banned substances or their safety.

Mislabelling can also be problematic, with some containing undisclosed ingredients, including banned substances.

Several high-profile cases have involved well-known athletes taking supplements they believed were acceptable and harmless, only to fail a drug test due to contamination or mislabelling.

To highlight the risks, a recent report found that anti-doping rule violations due to supplements accounted for a third of positive doping tests in Australia between 2016 and 2019. This is insane. To read the report, click here (4-minute read).


Remember, your non-athlete friends, mates who go to the gym, or online influencers will probably not be competing athletes and affected by anti-doping regulations like you are. Their careers and reputations won't be on the line if they take a contaminated/mislabelled supplement... but yours is.

We highly recommend you read UKAD's managing supplement risks page, where you'll find up-to-date information and guidance.

Supplement Use Leading to Doping

Another less obvious but seemingly significant risk is that athletes who depend on supplements can acquire a belief that substances are necessary for them to perform well or improve rather than seeing training combined with good nutrition, sleep, etc., as their route to success.

More often than not, unless you have perfect sleep, recovery, nutrition, etc... supplements can be a big fat waste of money.

A recent study supporting this claim found athletes who took dietary supplements to be 2.5 times more likely to dope! 

What You CAN Do

Firstly, understand that all your dietary requirements as an athlete can come from a well-balanced healthy diet and appropriate hydration. To assess whether you genuinely need a supplement, seek guidance from a certified sports nutritionist or GP. If you have a nutritional deficiency, both should be able to provide advice regarding supplement alternatives, i.e. food sources of the required nutrient.

Secondly, ensure you fully understand that you are 100% accountable for doping… the buck stops with YOU. The 100% Me programme has been designed to help athletes navigate the ‘clean sport’ world. Click here for more information.

‘Accidental’ doping is very hard to prove… in other words, you'll be unlikely to argue your case successfully. Not using supplements removes this risk entirely. Or, failing that, ensure you only ever use informed sport-tested supplements and know the processes for removing risk...


If you do decide to use supplements...


Please ONLY use reputable brands that have undergone rigorous testing, i.e., have the INFORMED SPORT logo. Their certified brands have been batch-tested for banned substances. 



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IMPORTANT: Batch testing reduces the risk of contamination but does not remove it.

Take Home Points

  • Prioritise your sleep, nutrition and recovery before considering spending money on supplements

  • Know the risks of supplement use in relation to clean sports and anti-doping.

  • There is no guarantee that a supplement won't contain a banned substance due to contamination or mislabeling.

  • Consult a certified sports nutritionist to assess whether you need a supplement and for guidance about supplement alternatives.

  • If you do decide to use supplements, ONLY use reputable brands that have undergone rigorous testing, i.e., have the INFORMED SPORT logo.

  • The UKAD website provides everything you need to know as an athlete.

Evidence-Based Research  

Our content is supported by:

  • Hurst, P., Schiphof-Godart, L., Kavussanu, M., Barkoukis, V., Petróczi, A. and Ring, C., 2023. Are dietary supplement users more likely to dope than non-users?: a systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Drug Policy, 117, p.104077. (View Paper)

  • Sport Integrity Matters, 2022. 'Reaching Supplement Zero', Sport Integrity Matters, September, viewed October 2023.  (View Paper)

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